Protecting Women’s Health in the Trump Era: Community Education and Digital Storytelling

06 Oct 2017
3:45 pm – 5:30 pm

Protecting Women’s Health in the Trump Era: Community Education and Digital Storytelling

This first part of this workshop will arm promotores with the information they need to increase awareness about reproductive health rights in their communities and serve as a resource for members of their communities about how to access these sensitive services. The latter portion will empower participants to digitally advocate for reproductive health access and be advocates in their communities.


  1. Promotores will describe the sexual and reproductive health care rights available to all Californians, regardless of immigration status.
  2. Promotores will learn about how to educate other individuals about how they can access confidential reproductive health services.
  3. Promotores will learn how to take action and advocate in support of policies that protect reproductive health access and oppose policies that create barriers to care by sharing their personal story in digital format.