Adriana Jimenez

Parkinson’s Counselor

Adriana Jimenez

Parkinson’s Counselor


Adriana Jimenez studied Psychology in Gdl. She studied Human Development at the Colegio de Santa Ana. She worked for 8 years as a family counselor. Seeing the great need in the community, in 2011 Adriana and her husband founded Give for a Smile. In 2017 she organized the 1st Parkinson’s Conference in Orange County. In 2021 she developed the Parkinson’s Promotor Ambassadors Initiative with which she has presented at the 1st and 2nd Ibero-American Parkinson’s Conference. She developed two international trainings of Parkinson’s Promotor Ambassadors. Adriana is a Parkinson’s Counselor.

All session by Adriana Jimenez