Start Again, Not Over: Turning Loss and Grief to Loss and Gain

05 Oct 2018
3:45 pm-5:45 pm

Start Again, Not Over: Turning Loss and Grief to Loss and Gain


Most people associate loss and grief with only major losses in life. Yet, loss and grief is experienced in normal life transitions. In this inspirational presentation Dr. Ximénez combines psychology, spirituality and science to explore the loss and grief process experienced during normal life transitions and the benefit and power of starting again, not over. She offers actionable change strategies to turn loss and grief to loss and gain and successfully move through life transitions and overcome the challenges and take advantage of the opportunities they bring with them. In this engaging presentation, Dr. Ximénez will teach you how to resurrect and empower your true authentic self and reclaim your voice and resilience through life transitions and, thereby, live a SANO way of life.


  1. Identify and explore life transitions, types of losses, and stages of grief.
  2. Explore the benefits of starting again, not over, and ways to resurrect, reclaim, and empower your true authentic self, voice and resilience through life transitions.
  3. Learn actionable change strategies to turn loss and grief to loss and gain to successfully move forward in life and live the life you are meant to live.