Prevention of Pesticide Poisoning: What to Do and Who to Call

07 Oct 2017
8:15 am – 10:15 am

Prevention of Pesticide Poisoning: What to Do and Who to Call

This workshop will provide participants with information about how to protect their family and community from the risks associated with pesticides. We will focus on the incorrect use of pesticides in the home, as well as the possible lack of compliance with the laws that are supposed to protect agricultural workers from these chemicals. We will discuss safer alternatives to control insects and germs in the home. We will present information about the agencies that help enforce the laws that protect us from pesticides.


  1. Promotores will learn about what pesticides are, including insecticides and disinfectants.
  2. Promotores will learn about the health risks to using or working around pesticides and the importance of following the indications on their labels.
  3. Promotores will learn about safer alternatives to control pests and germs in the home using less toxic and more economical methods.