How to Gain Long-Lasting Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Benefits Through the Practice of Yoga

How to Gain Long-Lasting Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Benefits Through the Practice of Yoga

This workshop intends to describe what yoga is and where it comes from. It will demonstrate various postures or asanas that can be practiced by people of almost any age, including postures that can be done in bed, allowing both children and elderly adults to do them. The postures are complemented by conscious and meditative breathing which can be done at home or any other place. There will also be a brief meditation exercise as a way to relax.


  1. Promotores will learn the  importance and benefits of physical exercise by the constant practice of yoga and the benefits of the use of breathing.
  2. Promotores will voluntarily practice the simple postures or asanas voluntarily by practicing them at home or any other place.
  3. Promotores will learn the origin of this discipline and the reason why its constant practice will produce a continuous physical, mental, and spiritual benefit, thus turning it into to a healthier life style.