Controlling Emotions: Tools to Develop Inner Resilience

06 Oct 2017
3:45 pm - 5:30 pm

Controlling Emotions: Tools to Develop Inner Resilience

In this workshop, we will talk about concrete ways to foster resilience to face extreme conditions by using techniques to control emotions including meditation. Promotores will have the opportunity to participate in practical exercises that will allow them to experiment with the concepts covered in the workshop. They will take with them a list of resources to continue these practices at home, and to share the acquired knowledge in the communities where they work.


1. Promotores will learn the essential steps to practice meditation and will participate in a guided session.
2. Promotores will learn at least two techniques for controlling emotions that could be applied in fear or anger circumstances.
3. Promotores will learn the relationship between controlling emotions and building happiness, which is the basis of any resilience capability.