Inés Fabela

Inés Fabela



Inés Favela Hernández is 57 years old; she is the mother of 4 adult children, a professional, and a restless citizen. She has a degree in Social Work with 35 years of professional experience, a Diploma in Human Sexuality (2004), and recently obtained her Master’s Degree in Social Projects with recognition of school merit (2021). She is the founder of various programs, a participant in institutional collaboration networks at the local, regional and national levels, an active member of the College of Social Workers of Baja California A.C., of which she was President. She has been a public official collaborating with the Municipal DIF in the Coordination of Attention to Women, with emphasis on programs to prevent and deal with family violence, a position in which she promoted the construction of the Shelter for Victims of Violence. She was part of the National Shelter Network and designed and implemented training for the health sector on gender violence (IMSS and Secretary of Health).


All session by Inés Fabela

Let’s Talk About Sexuality

9:30 am-11:30 am